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Davis Bamboo Species List

Clumping Bamboos Image #2 Pot #5 Pot #15 Pot #25 Pot
#1) Bambusa chungii (Tropical Blue Bamboo, Emperor's Blue Bamboo): A fast growing full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit. In the Sacramento Valley and the SF Bay area it usually grows 25 feet tall with canes up to 2.5 inches in diameter. The new canes have a heavy white powder coating giving them a blue tone. Rated to 21 °F by the American Bamboo Society. - 2 gallon pots on sale for $65 (usually $85)

5 gallon pots on sale for $95 (usually $150)

Important note: Bamboo Mealybugs are extremely common on clumping bamboo plants in the California nursery trade and they are almost impossible to fully eradicate. The way to not have this problem is to start with plants that do not have mealybugs. All of our bamboo plants at Davis Bamboo Nursery are guaranteed free of bamboo mealybugs, ants, scale and bamboo mites. These pests are all extremely problemmatic and common in the California bamboo nursery trade.

15 gallon pots on sale for $195 (usually $295) 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.
#1-B) Bambusa chungii 'Barbellata' (Barbie Bamboo): A full sun clumping bamboo with a thick coating of white powder on the canes giving it a blueish appearance. Barbie Bamboo grows to about 3/4 the size of typical Bambusa chungii. Bamboo growers can expect well watered plants in the ground to grow about 20' tall with canes up to about 1.5 inches in diameter in the SF Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley. Rated to 21 °F by the American Bamboo Society. In comparison to The Gracilis, Barbie Bamboo is less erect and wants more water. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon

$150 each, limited supply

- -
#2) Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Karr': A full sun clumping bamboo with a mostly vertical growth habit. Canes are gold colored with random vertical green stripes. It typically grows to 15-20 feet tall in Northern California with canes up to about 1 inch in diameter. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. This is a common clumping bamboo used in the residential landscape. Minimum USDA Zone 8B.
1 gallon

Alphonse Karr

1-9 plants for $45 each,

10-24 plants for $40 each,

25-49 plants for $35 each,

50-99 plants for $30 each

5 gallon

Alphonse Karr

1-4 plants for $75 each,

5-9 plants for $65 each,

10+ plants for $55 each

Note of 9-19-2023: in stock and ready to go.

15 gallon

Alphonse Karr

1-4 plants for $175 each,

5-9 plants for $165 each,

10-24 plants for $155 each

20 and 25 gallon

Alphonse Karr

20 gallon

1-4 plants for $475 each,

5-9 plants for $450 each,

10-24 plants for $400 each,

25-49 plants for $350 each,

50+ plants for $300 each,

25 gallon

1-4 plants for $675 each,

5-9 plants for $625 each,

10-24 plants for $550 each,

25-49 plants for $500 each,

50+ plants for $400 each.

Note of 7-8-2024: in stock and ready to go.

#3) Bambusa multiplex 'Eddie Gaedel':

A full sun clumping bamboo with a mostly vertical, growth habit. Canes are gold colored with random vertical green stripes. It grows to a maximum of 6-8 feet tall in the Sacramento Valley and up to about 6 feet tall in the SF Bay area. The canes grow to a maximum diameter of about 3/4 of an inch. This is a relatively new bamboo to the nursery trade and has ony been available for about 10 years. It has cold tolerance about the same as other Bambusa multiplexes.

This bamboo was first discovered by Luen Miller as a dwarf sport found within a grove of Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonse Karr.' Luan describes this bamboo as follows: Besides being much shorter than 'Alphonse Karr', it is more compact and extremely dense. It appears to have a "Buddha's Belly" style stem-base swelling, with very short internodes and similar zig-zag culms, especially near the base. Most plantings will reach 5-7' within a few years. Few will grow taller except under optimum conditions or reaching for light. The tops of the youngest fine stems grow heavy with dense plumes of new foliage arch slightly outwards as they mature, conspicuously and gracefully, eventually forming what looks like a very tall, very dense, very dark green clump grass, always with a few of those distinctive, typical bluish B. multiplex leaf-undersides showing. This makes an excellent and long-term container plant or short to medium screen, easily kept to 3-4' by pruning out the few taller culms. Best in full sun.

- - 15 gallon plants for $295. We have GIANT magnificent 25 gallon plants in stock. Please call for pricing.

#4) Bambusa multiplex 'Midori Green':

A full sun clumping bamboo with a mostly vertical growth habit. Canes are gold colored with random vertical green stripes. It typically grows to 15-20 feet tall in Northern California with canes up to about 1 inch in diameter. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. This is a common clumping bamboo used in the residential landscape. Minimum USDA Zone 8B.
- 5 gallon
Midori Green

1-4 plants for $85 each,

5+ plants for $75 each

15 gallon: Please call for pricing. 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.
#4-B) Bambusa multiplex 'Silverstripe': A full sun clumping bamboo with a sprawling growth habit, the plants tend to become very wide and lean out in Northern California. It grows about 12 to 15 feet tall with canes up to 1 inch in diameter when mature in Northern California (larger in So. Cal.). The leaves show a striking white variegation when freshly grown and the canes also show an occasional vertical white stripe. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. -
5 gallon

for $65

#4-C) Bambusa multiplex 'Wavy Goldstripe': A full sun clumping bamboo. Daniel James Nurco isolated this material from part of a Bambusa multiplex 'Eddie Gaedel' that started growing some green canes and we have been growing The Wavy Goldstripe for over 5 years and it is a stable new cultivar. It bears marked similarities to the green form of Bambusa multiplex and also to Bambusa multiplex 'Goldstripe'. We have found this bamboo to grow about 20' tall in the Sacramento Valley with dark green canes and a vertical growth habit with minimal but occasional vertical gold stripes similar to those on Bambusa multiplex 'Goldstripe'. Many of the canes will show no gold stripes and when the stripes are present they are small so this bamboo's canes are predominantly dark green. We have observed canes in pots growing as large as 1.25" in diameter and we expect the canes can grow up to about 1.5" or larger for mature plants in the ground. A particular difference between this bamboo and most other bamboos is the "Wavy" shape of some of the canes which presents itself as a Sine Wave shape on the bottom 4' or so of many of the canes. This cultivar has not yet been grown to a giant plant and it will be interesting to see the "Wavy" appearance on a very large plant. As with other Bambusa multiplexes this is a wind tolerant cultivar. Bambusa textilis cultivars are not tolerant of perpetually windy locales and for that reason The Wavy Goldstripe is a better choice than The Gracilis for customers wanting a 20' tall green colored vertical clumping bamboo in a perpetually windy area. An additional note of camparison is that The Wavy Goldstripe has darker green canes than The Gracilis. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon


15 gallon

for $295,
very full plants

#5) Bambusa oldhamii (Giant Timber Bamboo): A full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit. A typical height for this bamboo in the Sacramento area is 30 - 40 feet tall. In the SF Bay area it tends to grow to about 30 feet tall. Rated to 21 °F by the American Bamboo Society. If you want a clumping bamboo with the largest diameter canes possible in Northern California this is the bamboo for you. If you are considering this bamboo please also consider Bambusa textilis. Both of these clumping timber bamboos occupy a similar niche in the residential landscape and they both grow to approximately the same height. For many reasons we here at Davis Bamboo Nursery believe that Bambusa textilis is a much nicer looking and more suitable bamboo for residental plantings. Our reasons for thinking that Bambusa textilis is generally superior to Bambusa oldhamii include that the textilis: 1) is easier to maintain (translating to lower maintenance fees over the years), 2) shows an attractive powdery blue color on the new bamboo canes, 3) is a bit more cold tolerant, and 4) it has smaller leaves that do not get torn by winter winds (because of the wind in the Sacramento area oldhamii tends to look a bit raggy for about 3 months in the late winter and early spring ~ textilis looks great all year). Minimum USDA Zone 9A. - 5 gallon for $95 15 gallon for $295 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.
#6) Bambusa sp. 'Hirose': Very similar to Bambusa oldhamii, although it grows with incrementally larger canes which in some cases grow up to 6 inches in diameter (oldhamii maxes out at 4 inches in diameter). This is a rare bamboo which is not well known. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. -2 gallon for $75

5 gallon for $150

15 gallon: sold out 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.
#7) Bambusa textilis (Weaver's Bamboo): A full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 40 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Frequently shows a powdery blue coloration on new canes. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon
Weaver's Bamboo

$95 each

15 gallon
Weaver's Bamboo

$195 - $295 each

20 and 25 gallon

Please call for pricing

#7-B) Bambusa textilis 'Albostriata': A full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit and green canes with random vertical white stripes on the canes. It grows to about 20 feet tall in the SF Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. This bamboo tends to take up a little more space than The Gracilis and we recommend a minimum of a 4' diameter circle of dirt for each plant for The Albostriata. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon

for $150

limited supply


#8) Bambusa textilis 'Glabra':

A full sun clumping bamboo. In the Sacramento Valley and the SF Bay area it usually grows about 30 tall. Very similar to B. textilis. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B.
- 5 gallon

$85 each

15 gallon

please call for pricing and availability

- -
#9) Bambusa textilis 'Gracilis': A full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit and nodding cane tops. In the Sacramento Valley and the SF Bay area it usually grows 15 to 20 feet tall. Makes an ideal privacy screen or hedge when planted on 3 foot to 6 foot centers. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Frequently shows a powdery blue coloration on new canes. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 2 gallon pots are in stock for $85, 4'+ tall

5 gallon pots are in stock for $95 to $175 each

(price depends upon the size, plants for $150 are 8'+ tall)

in stock on 10-20-2024

15 gallon for $295. Most are 12'+ tall. 20 gallon, 25 gallon, 45 gallon: call for pricing
#9-B) Bambusa textilis 'Kanapaha': A full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit. A clone of Bambusa textilis from a specimen growing at the Kanapaha Botanical Gardens in Gainesville, Florida. This cultivar grows larger than typical Bambusa textilis. Regular Bambusa textilis grows to 40' tall with canes up to 2" in diameter while the Bambusa textilis 'Kanapaha' grows to 50' tall with canes up to 2.5" in diameter. The lower half of the canes tend to be prominently blue and branchless. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon

$150 each, limited supply



Bambusa textilis 'Mutabilis' (Emerald Bamboo):

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. Typical S.F. Bay area height is about 18'. In the Sacramento Valley it tends to grow to about 30'. Its maximum height under optimum growth conditions is 40 feet tall with canes up to 2.3 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Frequently shows a powdery blue coloration on new canes. Minimum USDA Zone 8B.
- 5 gallon
Emerald Bamboo

$95 each

15 gallon: Please call for pricing information. -
#10-B) Bambusa textilis 'RG Dwarf': A full sun clumping bamboo with a mostly vertical growth habit, though it is less vertical than The Gracilis. A cultivar of Bambusa textilis that is shorter and less erect than Bambusa textilis. One can expect The RG Dwarf to grow 15' - 20' tall in the SF Bay Area and the Sacramento Valley. This bamboo is from a Bambusa textilis seedling that Roy Works sold to Rockledge Gardens in Florida and they have been selling it for a good number of years as a dwarf version of textilis and it has remained about half size of regular Bambusa textilis. The American Bamboo Society offically designates this bamboo as Bambusa textilis 'RG Dwarf' which is what we call it. Other nurseries have implemented common names including "Bambusa textilis Dwarf Graceful Bamboo", "Weaver's Bamboo Dwarf", Dwarf Weaver's Bamboo, Textilis Dwarf, and probably other names as well. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon

$150 each, limited supply




#11) Bambusa textilis 'Scranton':

A full sun clumping bamboo with a vertical growth habit. Great for privacy screening. Typical S.F. Bay area height is about 17'. In the Sacramento Valley it tends to grows to about 20'. Its maximum height under optimum growth conditions is 30 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 18 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B.
- 5 gallon for $95 15 gallon for $295 25 gallon please call for pricing
#11-B) Bambusa tuldoides 'Swollen Internode' (Cool Buddha): A full sun clumping bamboo. This bamboo has a super funky 'Budda Belly Bamboo Like" effect. While actual "Buddha Belly Bamboo" (Bambusa ventricosa) only rarely exhibits the "Buddha Effect" (which presents as swollen internodes) and usually only when the plants are starved for water, .... this bamboo cultivar (Bambusa tuldoides 'Swollen Internode' (Cool Buddha)) reliably exhibits the swollen internodes and is more cold tolerant. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - 5 gallon

$150 each, limited supply



#12) Bambusa 'Ventricosa' (Buddha Belly Bamboo): A full sun clumping bamboo. Great for indoors with good sun. It can grow to 55 feet tall with canes up to 2.3 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 21 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 9A. - 5 gallon
Buddha Belly Bamboo

$75 each.

- 25 gallon with the Buddha Effect: $595
#13) Bambusa ventricosa 'Kimmei'. A full sun clumping bamboo. Great for indoors with good sun. It can grow to 55 feet tall with canes up to 2.3 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 21 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 9A. Select this link to find your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone -
5 gallon

Buddha Kimmei

1-4 plants for $60 each,

5-9 plants for $55 each,

10-24 plants for $50 each,

25-49 plants for $45 each,

50+ plants for $40 each.

15 gallon for $165 25 gallon with the Buddha Effect: $595
#14) Borinda fungosa (Chocolate Bamboo): A beautiful clumping bamboo with a somewhat weeping growth habit. Great along a backyard fence to make a visual privacy screen. It typiclly grows to 15' tall in the SF Bay area and has a maximum height of 20' with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Thrives in full sun in the Bay area. Requires mid-day shade or daily watering in the Sacramento Valley. Rated to 20 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 8B. - - 15 gallon: Please call for pricing. -
#15) Fargesia robusta: A partial sun bamboo with a somewhat weeping growth habit. It grows to 16 feet tall with canes up to 1 inch in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - - - -
#16) Otatea acuminata 'aztecorum' (Mexican Weeping Bamboo): A drought tolerant full sun bamboo with a weeping growth habit. It grows to 20 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 22 °F by the American Bamboo Society. In the Sacramento Valley this bamboo is recommended for back yards and areas with slightly warm microenvironments. Cold winters sometimes temporarily damage leaves in the Sacramento area if unprotected. Can form a very dense screen with a multitude of narrow leaves that lookssimilar to a cloud billowing in the wind. Minimum USDA Zone 9A. - - - -

Running Bamboos Image #2 Pot #5 Pot #15 Pot #25 Pot
#17) Arundinaria gigantea (River Cane): A full sun bamboo with a vertical habit. It grows to 20 feet tall with canes up to 1 inche in diameter when mature. Rated to -10 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6. - $45. All of our bamboo plants are guaranteed free of bamboo mealybugs, ants, scale and bamboo mites. These pests are all extremely problemmatic and common in the California bamboo nursery trade. - -
#17-B) Phyllostachys acuta: A full sun running bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows about 26 feet tall with canes up to 2.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. What makes this bamboo stand out is that it grows fat canes that are not super tall. Other bamboos in this genus that grow to similar height all have much smaller diameter canes. If you want a running bamboo privacy screen with fat bamboo canes this may be the one for you. The bamboo shoots are big and good to eat. - 5 gallon

for $75

15 gallon


#17-C) Phyllostachys atrovaginata (Incense Bamboo): A full sun running bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows about 35 feet tall with canes up to 2.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. This bamboo grows fat canes compared to other similar height bamboos in thie genus The bamboo shoots are big and good to eat and they are palatable to eat raw, while many other kinds of bamboo shoots are not. The canes emit a faint incense smell when rubbed. - 5 gallon

for $75

15 gallon

for $195



#18) Phyllostachys aurea (Golden Bamboo, Running Hedge Bamboo, Fishpole Bamboo):

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 27 feet tall with canes up to 1.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.
- $75 15 gallon: $165 - $195, some of these plants are 12'+ tall 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.

#19) Phyllostachys aurea 'Flavescens Inversa':

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 27 feet tall with canes up to 1.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.
- 5 gallon for $75 15 gallon: $195, 12'+ tall 25 gallon: Please call for pricing

#20) Phyllostachys aurea 'Holochrysa' (Golden Golden Bamboo):

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 27 feet tall with canes up to 1.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.
- - 15 gallon: $165 - $195, some of these plants are 12'+ tall 25 gallon: Please call for pricing

#21) Phyllostachys aurea 'Koi':

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 27 feet tall with canes up to 1.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.
- 5 gallon for $75 15 gallon: $195, 12'+ tall 25 gallon: Please call for pricing
#22) Phyllostachys aureosulcata (Crookstem Bamboo): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 45 feet tall with canes up to 2.2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to -5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 5. - - 15 gallon: $165. -

#23) Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Spectabilis' (Green Groove Bamboo):

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 26 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to -5 °F by the American Bamboo Society.
- 5 gallon for $65 15 gallon: $195 -

#24) Phyllostachys aureosulcata 'Harbin Inversa':

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 26 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to -5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 5.
- 5 gallon for $65 15 gallon: $195 -
#25) Phyllostachys bambusoides (Japanese Timber Bamboo, Madake): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 72 feet tall with canes up to 6 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - - - -
#26) Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Allgold': A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 35 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - - - 25 gallon for $395, a few plants available
#27) Phyllostachys bambusoides 'Albovariegata': A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 25 feet tall with canes up to 1.75 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. A rare cultivar. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - - 15 gallon for $165 -
#28) Phyllostachys bissetii: A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 40 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to -10 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 5. - - - -
#29) Phyllostachys humilis: A full sun bamboo with a vertical habit. It grows to 20 feet tall with canes up to 1 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 3 °F by the American Bamboo Society. - - - -
#30) Phyllostachys meyeri: A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 33 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - $60 $165 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.
#31) Phyllostachys nigra (Black Bamboo): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 30 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society.

Important Note Regarding P. nigra: This bamboo has been and continues to be flowering and dying across the globe. The last time it flowered was in 1901-1903 and it appears to have a flowering cycle of about 120 years. If you would like to download a publication from 1907 describing the 1901 flowering please click here. If you have this bamboo and it has suddenly started to look very dry as if it is dying then that is what is happening. If your black bamboo looks fine, get ready for it to flower and probably die. For this reason we are not selling any P. nigra at this time. If you are able to collect any seeds you may be able to germinate the next generation of Black Bamboo.

- - - -
#32) Phyllostachys nigra 'Diakokuchiku' (Giant Black Bamboo): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 57 feet tall with canes up to 3.3 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.

We have 25 gallon pots of this bamboo in stock and while they are not flowering now (on 4-3-2022) we expect them to flower and die within the next 0-5 years. If you want to buy these pots of bamboo we will sell them to you for half price ($295 per pot) with no gaurentees as to their longevity. Our Giant Black Bamboo plants are not flowering yet but this same clone is flowering in some other nurseries in California. This is your opportunity to observe the rare occassion of bamboo flowering and you might be able to collect and germinate seeds and start a new generation of black bamboo.

- - - -
#33) Phyllostachys nigra 'Hale' (Hale Black Bamboo): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 20 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. The canes turn black almost immediately, much faster than regular Black Bamboo. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.

We have a few 15 gallon pots of this bamboo in stock and we expect them to flower and die within the next 0-5 years. If you want to buy these pots of bamboo we will sell them to you for half price ($95 per pot) with no gaurentees as to their longevity. Our Hale Bamboo plants are not flowering yet but this same clone is flowering in some other nurseries in California.

We also have some very full and magnificient 25 gallon pots of this bamboo in stock and we expect them to flower and die within the next 0-5 years. If you want to buy these pots of bamboo we will sell them to you for half price ($295 per pot) with no gaurentees as to their longevity. Our Hale Bamboo plants are not flowering yet but this same clone is flowering in some other nurseries in California.

This is your opportunity to observe the rare occassion of bamboo flowering and you might be able to collect and germinate seeds and start a new generation of black bamboo.

- - - -
#34) Phyllostachys nuda: A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 34 feet tall with canes up to 1.8 inches in diameter when mature. Dark green canes with prominant white rings at the nodes. Sometimes the new shoots turn a transient purple when hit with direct sun. Rated to -10 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 5. - 5 gallon for $75 15 gallon for $175 -
#34-B) Phyllostachys platyglossa: A full sun running bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 26 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Mature culms have long internodes. Grown for its bamboo shoots in China. Culn sheaths on fresh bamboo canes exhibit reddish colors as shown in the image presented here. - 5 gallon

for $75

15 gallon


#35) Phyllostachys rubromarginata (Red Margin Bamboo): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 55 feet tall with canes up to 2.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to -5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6. - 5 gallon for $65 15 gallon: Please call for pricing. -
#36) Phyllostachys violascens: A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 20 feet tall with canes up to 2 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - - - -
#37) Phyllostachys virdis 'Robert Young': A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 40 feet tall with canes up to 3 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. - 5 gallon for $75 15 gallon for $175 -
#38) Phyllostachys vivax (Vivax): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 70 feet tall with canes up to 5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to -5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6.

Please follow this link to our webpage that contrasts the different cultivars of Phyllostachys vivax.

- 5 gallon for $75
7 gallon for $150
15 gallon for $195 - $295

20 gallon for $495

We have some very large plants available in 25, 45, and 65 gallon pots, up to 3" diameter canes and 45' tall. Please call for pricing.
#39) Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis' (Golden Vivax): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 70 feet tall with canes up to 5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6.

Please follow this link to our webpage that contrasts the different cultivars of Phyllostachys vivax.

- 5 gallon for $75 each 15 gallon for $195 - $295 each (Monster Sized Plants Available) We have a large inventory of 25 gallon, 24", 30", and 36" planting boxes in stock with canes up to 3" in diameter and 45' tall. Please call for pricing.
#40) Phyllostachys vivax 'Huangwenzhu': A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 70 feet tall with canes up to 5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6.

Please follow this link to our webpage that contrasts the different cultivars of Phyllostachys vivax.

- 5 gallon for $75
7 gallon for $150
15 gallon for $195 - $295 (Monster Sized Plants Available) 25 gallon: Please call for pricing.
#41) Phyllostachys vivax 'Huangwenzhu-Inversa': A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 70 feet tall with canes up to 5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6.

Please follow this link to our webpage that contrasts the different cultivars of Phyllostachys vivax.

- 5 gallon for $75
7 gallon for $150
15 gallon for $195 - $295 (Monster Sized Plants Available) -
#41-B) Pleioblastus hindsii: A full sun running bamboo with a very vertical growth habit. It grows 15 feet tall with canes up to 1 inch in diameter when mature. This is a tough bamboo that is wind, drought and salt tolerant and is known to have flavorful bamboo shoots for eating. The leaves point upward, as shown in the image. For customers who want a tough running bamboo privacy screen with a different look compared to Phyllostachys sp. bamboos this bamboo meets those criteria. We think this is a very cool bamboo. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. - 7 gallon
for $145
15 gallon

for $295

20 and 25 gallon available

please call for pricing

#42) Pseudosasa japonica (Arrow Bamboo, Yadake): A partial to full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 18 feet tall with canes up to 0.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7.

- 5 gallon
Arrow Bamboo $65 each
15 gallon for $165 each -
#43) Pseudosasa japonica 'Tsutsumiana' (Green Onion Bamboo): A partial to full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 18 feet tall with canes up to 0.8 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 5 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 7. -
5 gallon

Green Onion Bamboo

1-4 plants for $65 each,

5-9 plants for $55 each,

10+ plants for $50 each

15 gallon

Green Onion Bamboo (nice looking plants!)

1-4 plants for $175 each,

5-9 plants for $150 each,

10-24 plants for $125 each,

25+ plants for $115 each.


#44) Semiarundinaria fastuosa (Red Temple Bamboo):

A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 30 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6.
- - 15 gallon: $165

20 gallon: $395 each (tall plants!)

25 gallon

Red Temple Bamboo

1-4 plants for $450 each,

5-9 plants for $400 each,

10-24 plants for $350 each,

25+ plants for $300 each.

#45) Semiarundinaria fastuosa 'Virdis' (Green Temple Bamboo): A full sun bamboo with a vertical growth habit. It grows to 35 feet tall with canes up to 1.5 inches in diameter when mature. Rated to 0 °F by the American Bamboo Society. Minimum USDA Zone 6.

- - 15 gallon: Please call for pricing 25 gallon: $595

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